Tinkergarten Caregiver and Child Classes

What is a Tinkergarten class like?

We spend a few minutes reuniting with our friends after arriving, settling in, and noticing what is new in our outdoor classroom. During opening circle we sing songs, look at our season map to see where we are in our nine-week journey, and we learn and sing about a new featured creature. After we find our hidden invitation to play, explorers engage in purposeful play and exploration with the support of the teacher and caregivers. Before heading home, we recap our learning, express our gratitude, and focus on continuing our outdoor fun at home throughout the week.

Our Focus This Fall

This fall, the curriculum is focused on wellness—the combination of physical, mental and emotional health that kids need to thrive. Our curriculum will help them to develop language, strategies and habits that they can continue to use in order to build strong bodies, minds and hearts—all tools kids can use to be and stay well!

Fall Tinkergarten